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Behr Paperless Office Solutions engage to help all companies convert from a paper-based system to a computer-based system.

Going Paperless

A paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or significantly reduce.  Going paperless can save you money, boost productivity, save space, making document and information sharing easier, keep personal information more secure and contribute to the environment.
In a paperless office the most efficient process to move paper is not to move paper at all, but rather to move its e-paper copy.

Data Storage

Of course, once you start digitizing important paperwork, you've got to have a good backup system in case your hard drive fails or computer crashes. While fires, flood, and coffee spills can just as easily happen to paper, computer disasters are always possible. Be sure you've got automatic local and remote backup for your data just in case.


We train filing clerks in filing and filing systems to be able to assist clients with their own on-site filing and archival needs.

Why Outsourced Scanning?

Save Money Converting Records to an Electronic Format.
It almost always costs more than R1/page! We can do it so much cheaper because we buy the best/fastest scanners and software

in the industry and spread the costs between our hundreds of customers. It’s simply Business 101!

Focus on Quality
Our focus on quality starts with the planning of your project. We will work with your staff to determine your special requirements. All of our processes are designed to maintain a high degree of accuracy throughout the project. Our scanners are equipped with advanced double-feed detection systems to further ensure quality.​​​​

Off-site Record Storage

Scan Centre

BEHR-Paperless Office Solutions provide record storage, retrieval, delivery, and pick-up services. Offsite storage is a great solution for short term records containing information that you do not need to frequently access.
Records storage is at our secure service center where our team members retrieve boxes or individual files.

Best suited to businesses who must keep non-essential documents for statutory reasons but do not have adequate space in their own offices.


We do supplies of stationery to all institutions including  Schools, Companies, Churches, Hospitals etc.
Some of the stationery that we supply includes; Diaries photocopy papers, cartridges, toners, pens, paper punch, stapler, Accounting books, files, pins, manila papers, envelopes, notebooks, binding covers, binding tape, spirals,  whiteout, stamps and all the stationery that you need.
We also supply CDs, flash disks, hard disks and any other computer parts.

Value added Services

*Working procedures


*Service level agreements
*End to end plans
*Backup systems
*Creating a filing system
*On site filing
*Indexing and retrieval
*Box Storage of files not in use

*Training and quality control*​

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